Client Stories

As a teenager and studying my final year of high school, my stress levels were extreme. I have a history of severe eczema problems. I had eczema patches all over my body, (including my lower legs), and flare-ups were very common (particularly when I felt stressed). This made me feel embarrassed when out in a public place. It really affected my self-worth and self-esteem.
I saw two skin specialists and used their products. I tried a steroid cream and many other natural eczema creams but unfortunately I didn’t get a stable, long term improvement.
I decided to consult a Naturopath to seek other treatment options. This led me to Angelic Wellbeing RASH RELIEF cream.
After only three days of applying the cream regularly, at least twice per day, I could already see an improvement with the worst patch of my eczema completely gone!
I never thought a natural product could be so effective. It worked wonders! My skin looks and feels healthy again.
I would definitely recommend Angelic Wellbeing RASH RELIEF to everyone!
- By Amy, Padbury, Western Australia

In 2018 I had a cancer tumour removed from my thyroid gland leaving me with a very swollen, red scar around my neck. I started applying Angelic Wellbeing REPAIR MOISTURISER morning and night (3 days after surgery). I was amazed how effective the moisturiser was after using it for one week only. The swelling had reduced and the scar tissue had decreased in size and colour.
This wonderful skin care product has helped tremendously with the healing. After six weeks of regular application, I only had a faint line of scarring which was hardly noticeable.
Six months later - you wouldn’t even know that I had undergone major surgery.
Angelic Wellbeing REPAIR MOISTURISER is very easy to apply without leaving any greasy residue.
I also use it as a general moisturiser on my face and I have found it to be hydrating and moisturising which helps soften my lines and wrinkles.
I would highly recommend everyone to use it!
- Julie, Padbury, Western Australia
Due to being unwell, I missed the Angelic Skin launch but my mum organised some Angelic Skincare for me. I have been using it for the past two weeks and my skin looks and feels amazing. It does everything it said it would do and more! I had a few scars that were caused by a hormone imbalance which made me incredibly self-conscious. My makeup would never sit right and no matter what products I tried, I just couldn’t get my scars to heal. They have now improved dramatically to the point where they are barely recognisable. I feel so much better and even my foundation goes on more smoothly.
But the best result was on the weekend when I received terrible sunburn on my back whilst away down south. My skin was red, raw and aching; all I had was my Angelic Skin cream which I made hubby apply before bed. Immediately I felt a sense of relief. It was cooling and I was able to get a great sleep. Best of all, the redness had gone the following day. I had thought that due to the severe burn, my skin would peel, but no - nothing!
I honestly couldn’t be happier with this product. It does everything it said it would do and makes my skin feel delicious and full of moisture. I am looking forward to adding it to my regular routine. It’s certainly a product that I am happy to continue to use. I even feel comfortable decluttering some other brand products that don’t deliver the same results.
Thanks Anne and Libby! Super glad that mum brought home this product. It’s going to be a firm favourite.