What's Inside

Apricot Kernal Oil
Apricot Kernel is rich in essential fatty acids and contains high levels of vitamins A, C and E, which help to improve skin tone, maintain softness, suppleness and radiance of the skin.
The Vitamin K content helps reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and anti-ageing properties and has exceptional cleansing properties that deeply cleanse pores and balance oil production.
Apricot kernel will slow the appearance of ageing by smoothing wrinkles and fine lines and stimulate the production of collagen and cell regeneration to keep skin healthy, strong and firm.
Other positive benefits: provides long lasting moisturise, which will soften and soothe inflamed, irritated, chapped and dry skin.

Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana is one of the most popular remedies for healing many kinds of injuries and is well known for its ability to speed up the healing process and reduce swelling. Arnica is great for bruises, improve pain management, treats skin infections, itchiness, irritation and sunburn. It helps increase blood circulation, regenerates skin tissue, soothes and nourishes the skin.

Enhances the skin’s uptake of nutrients and is rich in Chlorophyll, Vitamins A and D.
Perfect for mature skin - assists in the treatment of climate damaged, parched, under-
nourished or ageing skin.
Calms and soothes itchy, dry, and flaky skin.
Shields the skin from UV radiation.

Calendula Oil
Calendula Oil soothes and assists in clearing up and relieving minor skin problems such as rashes, allergies, irritated or inflamed and itchy skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It contains powerful antioxidants. A perfect addition to your natural first-aid kit for its healing and repairing abilities.

Carrot Infused Oil
A natural antioxidant. This exceptional oil has many skin repairing benefits and anti-ageing properties as it is a rich source of Vitamins A & E and Carotene. Carrot seed oil helps with healing inflamed wounds and dry skin, reduces redness and softens scar tissue. It is one of the best cellular revitalising oils and has excellent regenerative properties.

Centella (Gotu Kola)
It has a wonderful blend of nutrients that are rich in amino acids, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals, which significantly accelerates wound healing, helping to prevent scarring and repairs skin tissue. It has potent anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, increases collagen and elasticity plus improves circulation and skin firming. It also boosts skin hydration along with anti-cellulite actives. Gotu Kola is known to have beneficial and soothing effects on the body, mind and spirit.

It is a powerful, gentle, calming and relaxing oil that has the ability to help release physical and emotional blockages and may assist with anxiety and stress to bring balance, calming qualities, peace and harmony. A must-have for your first- aid kit. Fragonia is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic. Its special properties make it beneficial to use on wounds, bites, stings, acne, minor cuts, fungal and viral infections such as cold sores. This magical oil is extremely gentle on the skin yet very effective.

It is commonly referred to as the “King of Oils” as it has powerful wound healing, antiseptic, anti-ageing and anti-scarring properties. Frankincense fights the appearance of stretch marks, age spots, wrinkles and may help reduce acne blemishes. This potent oil soothes and reduces skin inflammatory conditions, promotes cell and tissue regeneration and lifts and tightens the skin.

German Chamomile
German Chamomile reduces redness, swelling and soothing inflammation in sensitive skin. It also assists with wound healing. German Chamomile is wonderful to help calm rashes and skin sensitivities, stings, burns and treats dry skin conditions.

Grapefruit is renowned for its cleansing, gentle exfoliating and purifying properties. It acts as a lymphatic stimulant and has great antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, and detoxifying properties which will help treat acne, congested and oily skin

Graphites is a great skin remedy for dry, cracked and flaky skin problems like eczema. It provides relief.

Helichrysum (Everlasting)
It has the ability to slow and reverse signs of ageing as it softens and nourishes the skin. Some consider it to be the ‘Fountain of Youth’. It contains high levels of antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory (soothes inflamed skin), anti-allergenic (great for hives), anti-microbial, anti-fungal and antibacterial. Properties of Everlasting help rejuvenate, repair and restore cells, whilst reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

A go-to-tonic for beautiful, balanced and glowing skin.
Promotes collagen growth which slows the anti-ageing process.
Potent anti-inflammatory, healing and soothing properties for scars and acne.
Balancing oil for hormones and sebaceous (oil) activity.
Perfect for sensitive, irritated, itchy, dry skin.
Helps reduce dark spots and unevenness on the skin.
Emotional: A natural mood uplifter. Deeply relaxing, lifts depression and boosts
confidence. Promotes sleep and reduces tension.

Jojoba Oil
It is a luxurious oil which contains balancing nutrients such as - vitamins A, B, D and E, and fatty acids - Omega 6 and 9. Easily absorbed and penetrates deep into skin layers. Jojoba will soften, nourish and regenerate skin cells, providing long lasting moisture and hydration to the skin.
Jojoba is ideal for all skin types particularly sensitive, oily and combination skin. It has a balancing action on our own sebum (oil) production.

Kawakawa is native to New Zealand and is one of the most important healing herbs in traditional Maori medicine for healing and medicinal purposes. Known for its anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It is ideal for repairing dry and irritated skin issues and helps support skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, rashes, boils, acne, bites, stings and burns. An excellent herb for reducing inflammation and irritation.

Lavender is a very gentle and versatile oil with many amazing benefits that helps stimulate cell renewal, speed up the process of skin tissue repair and wound healing. Its natural antioxidants slow down the ageing process and promotes new cell growth. Lavender has incredible antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, sedative, calming and anti-depressive properties. Lavender aids in wound healing and burns and calms and soothes inflamed, irritated and itchy skin caused by skin conditions such as eczema or insect bites. It helps to relieve pain, ease sunburn, reduce anxiety and is a great aid for insomnia and depression.

Licorice is an Adaptogenic herb which is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral and antispasmodic properties. It is great to assist and treat a variety of ailments especially with skin inflammation and infection. Licorice also helps reduce stress and provide pain relief, alleviate discomfort from dermal conditions such as eczema and aids in diminishing age spots and discolouration. It helps protect the skin from environmental factors and balances oil secretions, which helps with oily skin.

Myrrh has many unique benefits and a history of medicinal use to treat wounds, prevent infection and fight free radicals which can be attributed to its potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-itching, antiseptic, antiviral and antiparasitic properties. Myrrh helps to soothe inflamed, chapped or cracked skin and relieve swelling, as it has the ability to increase the function of white blood cells, vital for wound healing. Myrrh is also known to slow down the signs of ageing and maintain healthy skin, hence reducing the appearance of wrinkles and also enhances emotional and spiritual well-being by helping us to remain calm and balanced.

Rejuvenates and improves the skin’s elasticity.
Beneficial for spider veins and broken capillaries.
Antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory - brilliant to treat acne and reduce breakouts.
Emotional: Aids stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep.

Your skin’s best friend due to the many anti-ageing benefits.
An abundance of Vitamin C which is hydrating, moisturising, and nourishing.
Stimulates the skin’s production of collagen and elastin, creating a bright, radiant glow.
Shields the skin from UV and free-radical damage.

Rose Geranium
is a balancing essential oil which has powerful anti-oxidant, anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral benefits.
Rose Geranium is ideal for cleansing and balancing all skin types.
It soothes inflammation, improves blood circulation and supports the skin to heal acne, broken capillaries, dermatitis, eczema, ulcers, cold sores, burns, minor wounds and cuts.
Emotional Benefits: A beautiful ‘hormone balancer’ with sweet floral aroma.
Rose Geranium is calming, relaxing and uplifting to the mind, body and soul. It will ease symptoms of: anxiety, depression and PMS.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a natural healing mineral and has an innate energy or frequency to our heart chakra. The Rose quartz can expand the energy of the heart chakra making the heart stronger and more loving. The Rose Quartz is known as a healer for internal wounds and promotes love, forgiveness and compassion. Angelic Skin infuses our purified water with this beautiful Rose Quartz crystal to help open up the heart chakra and to encourage self-love, worthiness, self-esteem, and feelings of being adequate and good enough. It may contribute to skin conditions when there is ‘lack of’ these emotions.

Rosehip Oil
Rosehip Oil contains Vitamins A, C and E, essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 & 9 and carotenoids. This powerful oil helps calm, hydrates, repair damaged skin tissue and assists with the skin’s regeneration process. It is great for skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, scars, burns, acne, as it is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective for delaying signs of ageing, treats pigmentation and protects from free radicals and environmental damage.

Sandalwood Nut Oil
Sandalwood Nut Oil is a potent anti-inflammatory and is extremely moisturising to the skin. This nourishing lipid is known for its effective work on skin hydration. It has anti-ageing properties and helps repair skin, increases elasticity and regenerates skin tone due to its ability to stimulate blood circulation.

Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet Almond Oil is abundant with antioxidants, essential fatty acids, protein, potassium, zinc. Sweet Almond Oil contains a high level of Vitamin A & E, which helps to protect, soothe, moisturise, nourish and relieves itching to sensitive, chapped, dry and irritated skin. Sweet Almond Oil helps with sunburn, inflammation, eczema, rashes and hives.